1. What interested you the most about physics? Why did you decide to pursue a career in it? A passion for physics was instilled in me by my great high school physics professor David Jones. He takes all those bad connotations of physics- being difficult and boring- and turns them into intellectual challenges. His passion was infectious, and it encouraged students, me in particular, in pursuing difficult challenges and excelling in them. I decided to pursue a career in physics in order to educate the new generations of physics students with the hope of instilling the same passion in them as my high school teacher did to me.

2. What’s been your biggest challenge pursuing a career in science? Idaykis - Huff PostThe biggest challenge I have experienced in science was being part of the research community. It was an overwhelming feeling, being part of a conference and thinking that maybe I’m not good enough to do this, to be a part of it, to be like them… But after reflecting on my feelings of insecurity, I decided to stop perceiving myself as a small person in the research community and rather as a valuable participant in the research community. I was determined to grow and become an active member in physics, not only through research but also through mentoring and networking.

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